Spinshot Blog

Benefits of training with a ball machine for Competitive Players
When you already train with a tennis or pickleball coach at least once a week, but you want to practice more, improve your games, fitness and competition ranking, a ball...

Pressureless vs Normal Tennis Balls
Pressureless tennis balls are different from normal tennis balls in terms of their construction and the way they play. Here are some of the key differences: Construction: Normal tennis balls...

Improving your mental fortitude on court
Tennis is a game that requires not only physical strength and skill but also mental fortitude. Many professional tennis players attribute their success to their mental toughness and the ability...

What is the difference between the Spinshot Plus-2 and the Spinshot Player?
The only difference between the Spinshot Plus-2 and the Spinshot Player is the functionality and display of the control panel. The Plus-2 has an additional six quick start modes of play on the control panel...

Benefits of training with a ball machine for Casual / Club Players
For many casual or club players it seems there are plenty of reasons why you want to play tennis or pickleball but a lot of the time life gets in the...

Improve your fitness with a tennis ball machine
Feel the burn with Spinshot Hitting over 100 balls is going to be a good work out for even the best tennis player, but couple this with the ability to...

Baseline & Volley Ball Machine Tennis Drill
This is a fast paced drill with baseline and volley shots to the forehand & backhand. Watch our Baseline & Volley Tennis Drill on YouTube. Spinshot Drill Maker settings for the...

Smash & Volley Multi Player Doubles Tennis Drills
Watch our Smash & Volley Tennis Drill on YouTube In this video we have three players using the Smash & Volley tennis drill. Each player takes three consecutive shots, then...